Pay securely with Aon

Choose how you would like to pay
Payment Summary
Transaction ID Premium Amount Fire & ES Levy GST Stamp Duty Broker/Admin Fee Fee GST Aon Discount: IA Levy Aon Admin Charge (Waived):: Aon Admin Charge:

Total Due
Payment Summary
Invoice amount Initial Instalment
includes Application Fees of )
11 remaining instalments of
Total Amount Payable
(inclusive all charges and application fee)
Pay with credit card
Get your policy today
Bank Transfer
Aon Admin Charge applies
Pay by the month

Please select your payment method

Please enter your credit card details below
What happens next?
  1. You will be sent a debit note with payment instruction

  2. Please deposit into Aon bank account as stated on the debit note and return your payment reference to us by email